Herzliche Einladung zum Gastvortrag "Outer and Inner Wisdom: Patristics and Classical Philosophy"
am 26.04.2022 16:45 - 18:15 im Rahmen der Patrologievorlesung von Prof. Németh
Ort: Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien, Hörsaal1, Tiefparterre Stiege 1, Hof 1.
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Abstract: The lecture aims to examine the difference between the outer and inner wisdom in the Greek Patristic tradition. The outer wisdom is usually identified with classical philosophy, while the inner wisdom pertains to the biblical and patristic tradition. I argue that a sharp distinction between the two is misleading because by the seventh century many classical philosophical ideas became an integral part of the Christian inner wisdom. Over the first centuries of Christianity the main Christian beliefs, in the incarnation of God and deification of humanity, in the Holy Trinity and in the Church were defined by means of pagan wisdom: the notions of Incarnation and deification by the ideas of consubstantiality, essence and energies, procession and conversion, the concept of the Holy Trinity by ideas of commonality, particularity, underlying substrate, unity and differentiations, and the notion of the Church by the ideas of hierarchy and participation.
Zum Vortragenden: Dr. Vladimir Cvetković is a research associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He obtained his MA by thesis in theology from Durham University (2002) and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Belgrade (2007). He has been working as a research and teaching fellow at universities of Aarhus (Denmark), St Andrews (Scotland, UK), Oslo (Norway) and Niš (Serbia). His research interests include Patristics, Ancient and Byzantine Philosophy and Orthodox Theology.
Among his most recent publications are the monograph Justin Popović: A Synthesis between Tradition and Innovation (in Serbian, 2021) and two edited volumes: (co-edited with Alex Leonas), Studies in Maximus the Confessor's Opuscula Theologica et Polemica (Brepols, 2022) and (co-edited with Bogdan Lubardić), The Thought and Mission of St Justin Popović (in Serbian, 2019).