Preview: Excursion to Romania

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A warm welcome!

Team f.l.t.r.: Wiedl, Uhryn,Németh, Moga, Heith-Stade


 The Department of Theology and History of the Eastern Churches deals in research and teaching with:

  • Orthodox Churches
  • Eastern Catholic Churches
  • Oriental Orthodox Churches
  • Patrology

It inscribes itself in a continuous research tradition at the University of Vienna (Eastern Church Law at the Faculty of Law since 1867, Eastern Church Studies and Patristics at the Faculty of Catholic Theology since 1975).

Against the background of the strong presence of Eastern Churches in Austria (Orthodoxy in second place among churches and religious communities) and the importance of the location for ecumenism, the department forms an important European interface of teaching and research in the field of Eastern Church Studies.

With regard to European transformation and identity processes, the historical dimension of the subject is of particular importance.

News from Eastern Church Studies and Orthodox Religious Education


Festvortrag: Deus ex machina of the war in Ukraine! steht zum download...


Ein Bericht zur Buchpräsentation "KYIVAN CHRISTIANITY" zum Download!


Zum Semesterbeginn findet für alle orthodoxen Studierenden an der...


The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Pope Francis, and Russia’s War...


Archimandrite Cyril Hovorun: Deus ex machina of the war in Ukraine



Zur Exkursion Ostkirchen in Wien im SS 2023 gibts nun eine Fotogalerie


Webinar auf "Uni Wien live" youtube channel (auf Englisch) verfügbar



Am 25.06.2023 wurde Dr. Ihor Hinda in Innsbruck im byzantinischen...


Vom 29.-30.06.2023 nahm Thomas Németh an einer internationalen Tagung...

Publications of our department

Thomas Németh is an author in the anthology "The 'Lviv Sobor' of 1946 and Its Aftermath. Towards Truth and Reconciliation", which has just been published in the series Eastern Christian Studies, vol. 34 (edited by Adam A.J. DeVille and Daniel Galadza) by Brill, Leiden/Boston, with the essay "Canoncial Considerations on the Legitimacy of the 'Lviv Sobor' of 1946" (co-author: Teodor Martynyuk).

Ioan Moga,  "Care iarăși va să vină". Jurnal hristologic în 31 de zile [He, who will come again. Christological diary in 31 days]. Doxologia: Iași 2023, ISBN (Print): 978-630-301-096-0.




Ioan Moga, Orthodoxe Selbst- und Fremdbilder. Identitätsdiskurse der rumänischen orthodoxen Theologie des 20. Jh. im Verhältnis zur Römisch-Katholischen Kirche [Orthodox Images of Self and Other. Discourses of Identity in 20th Century Romanian Orthodox Theology in Relation to the Roman Catholic Church]. Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society. - Volume 18, Vienna University Press V&R unipress: Göttingen 2020.

Ioan Moga, "Sfânta Treime între Apus și Răsărit. Despre filioque și alte dileme teologice"[Die heilige Dreifaltigkeit zwischen West und Ost. Über das Filioque und andere theologische Dilemmata]. Colectia Universitas, Seria: Teologia dialogica 1, Ed. Eikon: Cluj-Napoca 2012, ISBN: 978-973-757-658-3  Full text on Academia too.



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Byzantine prayer book in Swedish with prayers from the Greek and Slavic traditions. Translation and selection by  David Heith-Stade.