Courses in Winter Semester 2024

Preview: Excursion to Romania

Outer facade of the Moldovița monastery church

Outer facade of the Moldovița monastery church (16th century)

Fr., 23.05. –  Sa., 31.05.2025

(about Ascencion) 9 days


97% of the Romanian population belong to a Christian denomination, the highest figure in Europe after the Vatican State (98.6%). 

We would like to explore this phenomenon on an excursion (SS 2025) and in the compulsory preparatory seminar:




LV 010094 (WS 2024)  

Discover Romania: denominational diversity, communist heritage and religious life today.

Preparatory Seminar LV 010094 (WS 2024) Dates
Thurs10.10.2418.30 - 20.00Presence
Sat 19.10.2409.45 - 16.30Presence
Thurs21.11.2418.00 - 21.00online
Thurs28.11.2418.00 - 21.00online
Thurs12.12.2418.00 - 21.00online
Thurs23.01.2518.00 - 21.00online


We will look at the history, culture and current diversity of denominations and practised religiosity in this country, which is so close and yet often very far away for many.

Binding pre-registration for the excursion is required by the end of October 2024 (stating the relevant faculty affiliation!) 

Students of the Faculty of Catholic Theology will be given preferential consideration when registering, but we are also happy to receive applications from students of other faculties.

Total costs: approx. 1,400 euros incl. full board (with faculty grant probably only approx. 700 euros)

This page will be continuously updated and will contain all the necessary information. We will also inform you about updates on the excursion via social media.

Contact:  Mag. Daniela Wiedl  +43 1 4277 - 30211

Program for download.

(see also the two maps below, press the [ ] symbol in the frame at the top right)


Programm Points
